Browse mineral resources


Randall Mt. Mine (Parsonfield Area)

F R Carrol Inc

Vito Minnini Inc

Blue Rock Industries

Genest Concrete Works Inc

Warren Brothers Co

A Marcuri and Son Inc

Abbot Bros

John Swenson Granite Co

John Swenson Granite Co

Piper Hill (Bergensdahl Prospect)

Webster Scheelite Mine

Northern Acton Mines

Old Silver Mine (Davis Mine)

Acton Area Mines

Dayton Pit & Mill

Wiggin Mountain Occurrence

Andrews & Perkins Quarries

Bullion Mine

Port Land Action Mine

Deering Acton Mine

Porter Mine

York Stone Company Quarry

Morris Prospect

Straw Hill Occurrence

Sanford Pit

Marcille and Wormwood Quarry

Saco Pit

Dirigo Silver Mine

Berry Prospect

Goodwin Quarry

Hollis Pit

West Pit

Spence and Coombs Black Granite Qy

Vesuvianite Occurrence

Sanford Pit

York County Mine

Swenson Green Granite Quarry

Androscoggin Acton-Mine

Hatch Quarry

Limerick Pit

Lord Prospect

Bear Hill Quarry

Casco Acton Mine

Swenson Pink Granite Quarry

Acton Mine

Ross Quarry

Pease Mountain Prospect

Caton Prospect

Scapolite Occurrence

Galena Mine

Bond Mountain Prospect

Vesuvianite Occurrence

Newfield Tin Prospect

Pink Quarry

The Swamp John Pit

Bragdon Pit

Bennett Quarry

Hanscom Quarry

Eldorado Mine

Forest City Mine

Silver Wave Mine

Limerick Pit

Maine Acton Mine

Pettigrew Brothers Pit

Wells Pit and Quarry

Copper-Moly Prospect

Day Quarry

Kennebunkport Mill

Davis Mine

Hans Bergendahl Prospect

Brock Prospect

Estate of Capt. Wm. Hill Quarry

Miniutti Black Granite Quarry

Creteau Pit

Bergendahl Prospect

Emmons Quarry

Abbott Brothers

Ricker Quarry

South Sanford Prospect

York Pit

Frost Pit

Day Hill Occurrence

Piper Hill Prospect

Little Ossipee River Mine

Mineral Hill Mine

Dr Swet* Occurrence

Dayton Pit and Mill

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